I am a few weeks into this semester's horticulture classes - Soil and Soil Fertility, Annual and Perennial ID, and History of Landscape Architecture. I am truly enjoying each and every class, and am getting that strong itch to get outdoors.
My plant interest has always been mostly in indoor tropicals. As I began the landscape program my interest has spread to trees, annuals and perennials. I grew my first veggie garden last year in containers. It did relatively well, despite our yard not being a full sun location. The experience, however, gives me a base point from which to make changes and learn.

This is a photo from a couple years ago in my apartment balcony garden. My little guys had run out of feed, and were anxiously awaiting my return with their sweet sugar-water! I will always have fond memories of my little balcony garden.
This year, I have plans to landscape the area around the small pond in our yard and a small section adjacent to that. I am already planning in my head and making plant lists. There will be plenty of plants for the butterlies and hummingbirds, and for our little busy bees. Oh, snow, please melt from my little earth canvas so I may play with a pallet of blooms! I am positively aching to begin!