There were several trees in California that stood out to me and really caught my attention.

First, was one that I saw at the San Diego Zoo. I later found it to be a Strawberry Tree (
Arbutus unedo). I loved the colorful, spiky berries. I would love to grown one of these, but they're only hardy to zone 8.

Another tree I really enjoyed was the unusual-looking Joshua Tree (
Yucca brevifolia). I had never seen anything like these and was really intrigued.

I had a chance to see the Giant Sequoias as well (
Sequoiadendron giganteum). Unbelievable!
It is impossible to explain, or to even portray in a picture, how increbly HUGE these trees are. I mean, look at it in comparison to me!
One final tree was a favorite of mine. It was in Napa Valley at the winery where we did some wine tasting. I suppose it is not as unusual as the others I've posted, but I thought it was really neat and kept saying how beautiful I thought it was.

But then, I love EVERYTHING after a few glasses of wine.